
Forks over Knives

"Forks Over Knives" is the title of a documentary we recently watched in Biology.
The movie is really eye- opening and is about the food that we eat everyday and how it affects our body.
The food that we eat changed over the years and is now more based on animal products than ever before.
In the beginning of the 20th century, the people at an average of 120 pounds meat per year, by 2007 it has risen to 222 pounds per year. 
The movie also shows many shocking facts, for example nutrients from animal foods increase a chance of cancer while plant foods decrease the chance.
As a human, we want to eat a diet thatincludes everything the body needs: Carbs, Proteins, Fats... and all that in a balanced way. Many people still think that meat and fish are necessary sources of protein and that we can't be healthy without them but in the movie, a Kickbox Fighter talked about how he was convinced by that at first, too, until a doctor showed him the truth. Now he is a vegetarian and feels stronger than never before. Beans, nuts, spinach, and broccoli are better sources of protein than meat, for example.
A study said that when the Nazi German army arrived in Norway in World War 2 and took over the country, they also took away the cows from the people and the ammount of people being killed by cancer decreased in that time. When the German army left Norway in 1945, the ammount began to rise again.
Another mythos is that we have to drink at least one glass of milk per day in order to have stabilized bones but it would be better to leave any milk products behind and get the nutrients we need from other sources.
In addition to the documentary, we watched a Youtube- Video and the woman who talked in it said, that it would be better for your body to eat a SNICKERS bar instead of a bowl of Cereal and Milk as a breakfast!
Most American people are uninformed about what their body needs and about the food they are eating.
This fact made the USA the country with the highest risk of obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, and stroke among the population.
A study was released that in 1958, 18 people died of cancer in Japan while the USA lost 14,000 people dying of cancer. This is because of the food difference between those two countries. While the people in Japan ate food based on an Asian diet, the American people ate based  on the Western diet. The Asian diet is balanced and made out of what the body needs while the Western diet just claims to fill stomaches, no matter how high the cost is.
One out of 5 children in the USA are concidered overweigh, with chances increasing.
Obesity, diabetes and other sicknesses, caused by bad food choices can be eliminated so easily:
Being physically active, knowing about the body and its needs, knowing about the food and what it is made of.
Coming back to the Japanese- USA study:
The Asian countries seem to go the same track as the US did: The people are getting less informed, getting lazy, and the Fast Food Industry begins to boom in Asian countries, too. Soon the obesity and diabetes rates will go up in Japan, China and other countries, too.
Fact is that I will be more curious about food choices and I hope you guys will, too.
You can watch the documentary online, on Netflix.

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